Is it anti-feminist to have my dad walk me down the aisle?

That depends. Is your dad Donald Trump? Then: yes.

But for real, you can walk down the aisle however you damn well please.

There are so many options when entering your ceremony. You can have your best guys, gals + non-binary pals (aka your ‘bridal party’, if you have one!) escort you down the aisle? You could enter together, as a couple. Consider subverting the system - if there’s a groom in your union, consider having him escorted down the aisle by his mum. Why not sing + dance down the aisle, like this?

Your entrance can be a fun way to set the tone of the ceremony - bring the joy early, I always say! If you’re going for a lighthearted + fun vibe - have an adult play the flower boy / girl / person like this! This can be hilarious!

And of course, if you have a dad in your life (or any old codger who means a lot to you), having him walk you down the aisle can be a lovely time! The history of this tradition is pretty yuck (men owning women, ‘giving them away’ to other men, ew), but I’d be willing to bet that if you’ve landed on my website - you have zero time for that bullshit, and having your dad escort you down the aisle has nothing to do with ownership and everything to do with you loving the shit out of him and wanting to have him there for love + support. Hooray!

Like everything about your wedding (+ your life!) don’t do anything just because it’s the ‘done thing’. There is no such thing. Do whatever floats your boat! And if Pops has the paddle - invite him aboard!


How to have a feminist wedding.